1. Purpose

This Cookies Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the website www.porticosport.com (hereinafter, the “Website”). Accessing and browsing the Website, or using its services, implies acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, including the Cookies Policy.

To facilitate your navigation through the Website, the owner, with its registered office at POLÍGONO INDUSTRIAL EL PRADO, C/ VALENCIA, 28, 06800, MÉRIDA (BADAJOZ), informs you that it uses cookies or Data Storage and Retrieval Devices (DARD) or other similar functionality files (hereinafter, “cookies”).

In this regard, and in order to provide the user with all the necessary information for correct browsing, we provide the following informative text on what cookies are, what types of cookies exist on our Website, and how you can configure or disable them.

2. What are cookies?

Currently, most websites, regardless of the service they provide, use cookies. Cookies are small text files or devices that are downloaded to the user's terminal when browsing websites in order to store data that can later be retrieved by the entity responsible for their installation, facilitating navigation and the user experience.

As stated in Recital 30 of the GDPR, individuals can be linked to online identifiers provided by their devices, applications, tools, and protocols, such as IP addresses or session identifiers in the form of or other identifiers with similar purposes. This may leave traces that, especially when combined with unique identifiers and other data received by servers, can be used to create profiles of individuals and identify them.

For this reason, the website owner has a cookie policy that complies with applicable regulations.

In general, when the installation and/or use of cookies involves the processing of personal data, whether they are first-party or third-party, session or persistent cookies, the data controller will provide the necessary information in this area and obtain the user's prior informed consent to install and/or use them, except in cases where strictly necessary cookies must be installed. Only those cookies that allow communication between the user's device and the network or those used to provide a service requested by the user are exempt from such consent. For example, “technical cookies” (e.g., those necessary for navigating the platform), “customization or configuration cookies” (e.g., those that allow the page to recognize the user's language), and “security cookies” (e.g., those used to detect repeated failed connection attempts).

3. Types, purpose, and Functionality of Cookies

3.1. By entity responsible for management

First-party cookies: Sent to your device from the server or domain of the website owner from which the requested service is provided.

Third-party cookies: Sent o your device from a server or domain not managed by us but by a partner entity, such as social networks or external content providers like Google.

3.2. By time they remain active

Session cookies: Temporary cookies stored in your browser's cookie file until you leave the website. No information is stored on your computer’s hard drive.

Persistent cookies: Stored on the hard drive and read by our website each time you revisit. They have an expiration date, after which they stop functioning. They are generally used for shopping or registration services.

3.3. By purpose

Technical cookies: Necessary for navigation and proper functioning of the website (e.g., traffic control, security, or purchase processes).

Customization cookies: Allow you to access the service with predefined features (e.g., language or browser type).

Analytics cookies: Help quantify users and analyze how services are used to improve the website.

Advertising cookies: Manage ad spaces on the website.

Behavioral advertising cookies: Store information on user behavior to display ads based on browsing habits.

Social cookies: Used to share content on social media platforms.

4. Cookies used on the Website

The identification of who uses the cookies on this website and their details are as follows:

Entity Type Purpose
Google Analytics Third-party

Collects information on user navigation to track visit sources and show advertising related to user preferences. More Information

Facebook Third-party

Share content on the social network More Information

Instagram Third-party

Share content on the social network More Information

Twitter Third-party

Share content on the social network More Information

5. How to Disable cookies in Popular Browsers?

Cookies can be blocked or disabled using your browser's configuration tools. You can reject the installation of all or certain cookies.

Here are links to the settings tools of major browsers to learn how to disable cookies:

Disabling or Deleting Cookies from Google Analytics

If you accept the use of Google Analytics cookies, you can uninstall them later through your browser settings as mentioned, or by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.

Please note that if you delete personalization cookies, you will need to update your preferences each time you log in with us, or if you use a different device, computer profile, or browser, you will need to set your preferences again.

Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en

Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences

Apple Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265

Microsoft Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies

6. What Happens if Cookies are Disabled?

If you reject cookies, you will still be able to use our website, but some of the services and/or links may stop working, it may not be possible to start or maintain an interactive session with the website's services, and we will not be able to obtain valuable information from you to offer content tailored to your interests and to help you access the information you are interested in quickly and easily.

The website owner assumes no responsibility for legal or technical issues caused by any user's failure to comply with the included recommendations. This communication is made for the knowledge and use of users and, therefore, should not be used for any other purpose.

We also inform you that we cannot be held responsible for the content and accuracy of third-party privacy policies included in this cookie policy.

7. Changes to the Cookie Policy

This cookies policy, version 2.0, is effective from October 1st, 2020. The website owner may modify this policy to include new cookies or based on legal requirements. It is recommended that users visit this policy periodically. The Website may also inform users of changes before they take effect when possible.

8. Exercising Your Rights Regarding Cookies

You can learn about and exercise your data protection rights by accessing the Privacy Policy of this website.

If you have any questions about this cookie policy, you can contact us.